WASHers is back!

Hashing isn't only about being embarassing in public, wearing seriously unflattering jogging togs and drinking too much beer - some hashers drink too much wine, as well. The Wine Appreciation Society of Hashers - "WASHers" - was founded by Wet Wipe of the Bristol Hash House Harriers, the inaugural meeting being held on Thursday 26th May, 2005 at the Clifton Sausage. A lot of wine, (including two re-launches) has been passed since then.

The last WASHers, of which there is no known record, was at Sergio's in Frogmore Street, Bristol, on Friday, 20th July, 2007.

Welcome Autumn with a glass or six of vino, vin, vinho, Wein, gwin, plonk or wine among friends and sympathisers.
Date: Saturday, 30th September 2017. Time: evening.
Place: CJ's Coffee House and Deli, 14 Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol BS2 8DJ.
CJ's is being opened especially for the event! American Supper, so bring a plate of food, along with a bottle of wine to share and appreciate.
You MUST book - maximum of 20 places. Please let Wet Wipe, LUNCHi or HBK know if you are attending.

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The Clifton Sausage, Clifton, Bristol. 26/05/2005.

Thursday May 26th 2005 saw the inaugural meeting of the first Wine Appreciation Society of Hashers at the Clifton Sausage.

Those present made up a small, but very select group consisting of Wet Wipe, Sleepy, HBK and Sweat Monster. Apologies were recived from Max.

Over the course of the evening a selection of wines (4 bottles of red, 1 bottle of white) were consumed. Food was also eaten to try and 'mop up' some of the alcohol (and very tasty it was too!).

Offices were voted on and assigned as follows:

Glugus Maximus (GM) - Wet Wipe (responsibility for organising meetings and circulating information).

Wine Anorak (WA - think Johnathon Ross (Woss) here) - HBK (responsibility for knowing about the wines and telling us all).

Cellar Master (CM) - Sleepy (responsibility for handling of cash and making sure WW gets on the right bus, and gets off at the correct place).

Slops Monster (SM - originally Slops Master, but Sweat Monster woke up at one point and suggested the alternative) - Sweat Monster (the group agreed that the fact the intials are the same for both post and postholder will cause less confusion for SM). (Responsibility for making sure all the bottles and glasses are empty at the end of the evening).

It was agreed that anyone else who attends future meetings would be assigned equally important and responsible offices if they so wished.

The group also discussed at some length whether a threesome at another table were in fact a 'threesome'. WW investigated. There weren't. (But it was fun finding out!).

The CM successfully got WW on the right bus, and poured her off at the correct stop.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 30th June 2005 from 7pm. Venue is Hullabaloos, 46 Whiteladies Rd. Numbers to WW please, 'cos we need to book to make sure we get a table.

Note: Hullabaloos is a BYO...so please do! (It'll be cheaper than last month!)

Warmest Wishes,

Wet Wipe

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© Bristol Hash House Harriers, Bristol Greyhound Hash House Harriers, Kennet & Avon Hash House Harriers and Bogs of Somerset Hash House Harriers,
Mark Howard Associates